Film retrospective of Cecilia Mangini  

All movies

III programme

In the third program Cecilia Mangini‘s anthropological gaze turns to the Italian cities and their inhabitants: it documents the effect of industrialization of Brindisi, creates a cinematographic portrait of Florence, coupled with the words of neorealist writer Vasco Pratolini, whereas Pier Paolo Pasolini gives voice to the suburban youth of Rome. The varied film style ranges from exceptionally sensitive and laconic to openly caustic and reveals her directorial talent as well as her views on euthanasia, human exploitation, and consumerism.

Ignoti alla Cita

The City’s Unknown

Director: Cecilia Mangini

Screenplay: Pier Paolo Pasolini

Cinematography: Mario Volpi

Editing: Renato May

Music: Massimo Pradella

Italy, 1958, 11 min. 

Mangini's debut, featuring a text by a Pasolini who was still a mere writer, a work withdrawn by the censorship that portrays the terrible living conditions, but also the animal spirit, of the young people of the Roman borgates, marginal and poor villages.

Firenze di Pratolini

Director: Cecilia Mangini

Editing: A. Vannini, M. Grasso

Italy, 1959, 17 min. 

The second film by Cecilia Mangini is based on the words of neo-realist writer Vasco Pratolini. It alternates between documentary and the reconstruction of autobiographical moments to paint an image of the Florence of his youth, and to show us his take on the effort of growing up and the risk of falling in love.

La Scelta

The Decision

Director: Cecilia Mangini

Cinematography: Alberto Grifi

Editing: Maria Rosada

Music: Sandro Brugnolini

Italy, 1967, 13 min. 

A delicate film on euthanasia: a young man faces the terminal phase of his father’s illness and decides to help him stop suffering. However, the father is still attached to his generation’s moral values and finds it difficult to come to a decision.


Director: Cecilia Mangini

Cinematography: Giuseppe Pinori

Editing: Rosa Sala

Music: Egisto Macchi

Italy, 1966, 14 min.

The largest petrochemical factory in Italy at that time was built near Brindisi, a small town of farmers. This “cathedral in the desert”, as Mangini called it, engulfs its workers in a web of exploitation. Low wages and poor working conditions do not discourage those desperate for a job. Few are willing to report the situation.

Felice Natale

Happy Christmas

Director: Cecilia Mangini

Cinematography: Luigi Sgambati

Editing: Maria Rosada

Music: Aldo De Blanc

Italy, 1964, 14 min.

In Happy Christmas, Cecilia Mangini denounces, with irony, courage and enormous foresight, the false mythology of consumption of mass-market goods and fashion articles.

Selected Filmography

Ignotti alla cità / The City’s Unknown, 1958

Firenze di Pratolini / Florence According to Pratolini, 1959

Stendali: suonano ancora / Stendali: Still They Toll, 1960

Maria e i giorni / Maria’s Days, 1960

 Divino amore / Divine Love, 1960

La passione del grano / The Wheat Passion, 1960

La canta delle marane / The Chant of Tiber’s Branches, 1961

All’armi siam fascisti! / To Arms, We Are Fascists!, 1962

O Trieste del mio cuore / O Trieste of My Heart, 1964

Essere donne / Being Women, 1965

Tommaso / Tommaso, 1965

Brindisi’65 / Brindisi’65, 1965

Felice Natale / Happy Christmas, 1965

La scelta / The Decision, 1967

La briglia sul collo / The Bridle on the Neck, 1972

In viaggio con Cecilia / My Travels with Cecilia, 2013 (with Mariangela Barbanente)

Due scatole dimenticante / Two Forgotten Boxes, 2020 (with Paolo Pisanelli)

Il mondo a scatti / The World in Shots, 2021 (with Paolo Pisanelli)

Film sessions

09.28 Wednesday
  • Skalvija (Vilnius) 18:00

10.02 Sunday
  • Skalvija (Vilnius) 18:45
